Decolonizing Archival Description (12/8)

Announcing our next DVAG meeting and panel discussion: Decolonizing Archival Description Why do bio notes read like encomiums to dead white males? Whose interests dictate processing priorities? How does the semblance of archival neutrality (de)contextualize records? The Delaware Valley Archivists Group invites you to a panel discussion on liberating and critically accounting for our descriptive … More Decolonizing Archival Description (12/8)

Archives Month Philly: Defiant Archives

On display in City Hall through early December, Defiant Archives: Trans Histories of Existence, Resistance, and Brilliance is a community-collected and -curated exhibit that tells stories of transgender and gender nonconforming activists in Philadelphia. Varied media ranging from newspaper clippings, flyers, and pamphlets, to oral histories and videos, to personal artwork, and more, are sourced … More Archives Month Philly: Defiant Archives