2023 Year in Review, Part One

Message from our Chair, Alex Palma

Dear members of DVAG- Thank you so much for making this another successful year for our organization. Everything we have accomplished this year is thanks to an active and involved membership base and Planning Committee. In 2023, DVAG hosted well attended events at archives and historic sites such as the Delaware Historical Society,  Germantown Historical Society and the Rosenbach Museum and Library. In the coming year, we look forward to our tour with Scott Hearn at the Campbell’s Soup Archives in Camden!

This past Summer, DVAG was able to send three emerging professionals to the Society of American Archivists Conference in Washington DC. You can visit the DVAG website to read reflections by Josh Redd, Sophia Stutte and Alisa Kraut. Additionally, the Planning Committee was able to make modifications to the SAA travel grant to ensure its strength going forward. I am personally very excited and proud to be able to support DVAG’s SAA travel grant program as I myself was able to take advantage of it years ago when I was a graduate student studying Public History.

Finally, I wanted to give a huge shout out to Christine Neiman for her working with me in her role as DVAG Archivist to get a handle on the DVAG archives. She and I visited Temple University in September to look over the DVAG collections and weigh the future of our organization’s Collection Policy. Part of that was evaluating DVAG’s internal mechanisms to make sure materials are collected from subcommittees and officers. There is still work to do to get the DVAG archives to where they were pre-COVID19, but we are getting there!

Going forward, I want to again thank the PC for all its hard work this year. I’m optimistic that 2024 will be a successful year as well! However, I would like to stress that our success is dependent on an active and involved membership base. If anyone is interested in an officer position or perhaps volunteering on a subcommittee- or even if you have a suggestion for an event, feel free to be in touch with the PC!



Chair, DVAG

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